Everyday Chaos

Markus Jokela: Kirkkonummi 1992. Kromogeeninen värivedos. Suomen valokuvataiteen museon kokoelmat.

Markus Jokela (b. 1952), together with journalist Ilkka Malmberg, has made reportages about ordinary Finnish everyday life for Helsingin Sanomat newspaper’s montly magazine Kuukausiliite. In the pictures junk is left lying around, while the camera flash sprays out an even light.

“For me photo reportage is the king of journalistic genres. In photo reportage the pictures do not have to scream out a simplified truth.”
- Markus Jokela, 2008

Collection pick
Photographer Hanna Weselius (b. 1972) wanted to challenge our antiquated notions of age, and our expectations of what elderly life is all about.
Collection pick
“Showing movement means both man and camera have to be ready for action,” photographer, non-fiction author and researcher Vilho Setälä (1892–1985) writes in his book Valokuvaus tieteenä ja taiteena (Photography as Science and Art, 1940).
Collection pick
Martin Parr's photos in The Last Resort series were taken in England’s traditional New Brighton beach resort.
The collections of the Finnish Museum of Photography include more than two million photographs. The collections focus on 20th-century Finnish photography, and are made up of both selected works by photographers and images from extensive photographic archives. The museum's collection of objects includes thousands of photography-related artefacts. The museum also has a paper archive and a photographic library.
The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
16/6/0 €
Under 18 y.o. free admission