Paradoxes of Photography

Paradoxes of Photography invites viewers to reflect on the expectations and concepts related to photography. The exhibition is a selection of research-based projects that challenge the idea of “the photographic”.

Various photographic techniques, chemical, optical, electronic, digital, and computational, share the goal of simulating visual perception. An image endowed with a photographic look is easily thought of as evidence of a presence in front of a camera, even though it may result from computational processes. Paradoxically, if you see an image as a photograph, it is a photograph – for you. Seeing images as photographs through the lens of photography constitutes the exhibition's core.

Artists and researchers: Bruno CaldasOuti Condit & Rosie Swayne, Stephen Cornford, Suzanne MooneyTuula Närhinen, Tuomo Rainio, Mia Seppälä, Jenni Niemelä-Nyrhinen & Niina Uusitalo, Jukka Häkkinen and working group.

The exhibition has been curated by Mika Elo.

The exhibition has been funded by The Olga and Vilho Linnamo Foundation, The Academy of Finland funded Post-digital Epistemologies of the Photographic Image (PEPI) project, and The Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki.

The Finnish Museum of Photography
Large exhibition space

The Cable Factory, The Cable Factory, Kaapeliaukio 3, staircase G, 00180 Helsinki


The subtitled parts of Mia Seppälä's work Alt text can be found here
The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
12/6/0 €, 16/6/0 € from January 1st 2024
Under 18 y.o. free admission