The Finnish Museum of Photography annually awards scholarships for research on photography. The scholarships are based on The Börje and Dagmar Söderholm Fund, founded by the photographer Börje Söderholm (1922–1998) and his wife, Dagmar.
A grant of around 10,000 euros is announced for application. It can be divided between several applicants. The Board of the Foundation of the Finnish Museum of Photography decides the recipient of the grant or, alternatively, the distribution of the grant to several applicants.
The application can be written freely, and it should include the following information:
- the amount of money needed
- the purpose of the grant (i.e. what the applicant intends to do with the grant),
- a timetable plan
- what other funding the project has
The significance of the project must be justified, and a research plan (max. 5 pages) must be attached to the application. The application is submitted as a single .pdf file.
Additional information: Museum director Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, +358 41 5141991, anna-kaisa.rastenberger@fmp.fi
Submission of applications: Applications are submitted by e-mail to the address fmp@fmp.fi. Enter "Söderholm fund" in the subject field. Applications must be submitted no later than Friday 4 April 2025 at 23:59.
Research grants 2024
At its meeting on 27th May 2024, the Board of the Finnish Museum of Photography Foundation has awarded two grants from the Börje and Dagmar Söderholm Fund as follows:
EUR 6000 to MA Minna Ijäs for finishing her doctoral thesis on the images of photographer H. Attila. The working title of the dissertation is Muotokuvia kotona (Portraits at home). Ways of presenting oneself in photographs by H. Attila in the 1920s and 1930s.
4000 euros to MA Kari Silvola for the finalisation of a dissertation on internalised self-disappointment and the phenomenon of passing, based on advertising and fashion images, entitled A Darkroom of My Own; The Confessions of a Male Model.
Research grants 2023
At its meeting on 3rd May 2023, the Board of the Finnish Museum of Photography Foundation has awarded two grants from the Börje and Dagmar Söderholm Fund:
EUR 5000 to MA, BA Lumi (Hannele) Kauppinen for their doctoral thesis on the transformation of the image of animals.
EUR 5000 to MA Aura Saarikoski for their doctoral thesis Sumuiset todet – autofiktion ilmentymiä valokuvataiteessa.