Culture kids - spring 2025

Markus Jokela: Kuusamo, 1990. Suomen valokuvataiteen museo. (vas.) Markus Jokela: Kirkkonummi 1992, Suomen valokuvataiteen museo. (oik.)

How to make a photo from the viewpoint of a child? What fun can photography - while wondering and experimenting together - be in addition to taking the photo?

Come and join the workshop, where photography is a shared adventure with the children. In the workshop, we play with stopping time and try out different photography tools. The children get to take photos themselves with the digital pocket cameras, and at the end you get a nostalgic Instax photo to take home as a memory of your shared moment!  
In the space, you can find colorful shooting props that exude the 90s and a variety of things to shoot. If you have something of your own at home, you can bring the characteristic colours of the era, from windbreakers to trumpet trousers. 

The Finnish Museum of Photography's take place from February to April.

Place of the events:

Note! New address: The Finnish Museum of Photography, Kaapelitehdas, Kaapeliaukio 3, Glass courtyard, 00180 Helsinki 

You can sign up for the workshop here!

A timetravel to the 90s -workshop is led by our museum guides Ida Taavitsainen and Henna Arvilommi.

The organizers: Ida Taavitsainen, Henna Arvilommi, Erja Salo, Maija Tuurnala ja Valtteri Heinonen

Photo: Virve Laustela, The Finnish Museum of Photography

Helsingin kaupungin lapsiperheille suunnatussa Kulttuurin kummilapset -toiminnassa vuonna 2022 syntyneiden kummiorganisaatioina toimivat Tanssin talo, Cirko – Uuden sirkuksen keskus, Tanssiteatteri Hurjaruuth sekä Kaapelimuseot (Suomen valokuvataiteen museo, Teatterimuseo ja  Hotelli- ja ravintolamuseo). 

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 New cultural operators start as sponsors for children born in 2022. The Finnish Museum of Photography joins the service!
The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
16/6/0 €
Under 18 y.o. free admission