
Kuva: Virve Laustela, Suomen valokuvataiteen museo

The Finnish Museum of Photography, the Hotel and Restaurant Museum and the Theatre Museum are conceptualizing and realizing the Museumbox project in 2022. It is funded by the Finnish Heritage Agency as an innovative project by professional museums. The aim is to expand the accessibility of wide-ranging and holistic museum experiences in the whole country. 

The Museumbox is a remote service which provides both a virtual and communal museum experience for a group of adults. The box is being developed as an immersive experience and a learning environment. A guide facilitates the interaction between the contents of the museums and the group. The Museumbox is being tested and developed in close collaboration with various audience groups. The box's model is put into practice through cooperative development and testing. The project started in the fall of 2021. 


MUSEUMBOX TRAVELS TO SERVICE HOUSES - News from the Museumbox project 

What has been done:

The first Museumbox was scripted and tested in the spring of 2022. Museobox took a virtual time trip to the world through Hotelli Otava. In addition to the Museumbox producer, museums' guides acted as screenwriters. The test audience for Museumbox has been Hämeenlinna City Library staff, participants of Library Days in Hämeenlinna and students from the University of Oulu. In the spring of 22, Museoboksi was selected to join the DOORS program as one of 40 international projects eligible for development. The DOORS program is financed by the European Union. 

What next 

The next test round will be carried out as part of the ARMAS festival from 1 to 14 October. ARMAS is a nation-wide festival that celebrates creativity in older age. We organize six Museumbox tests in Helsinki's assisted living buildings. The background story is the same time travel through hotel Otava that was tested in the spring. In the fall, Maaria Klemetti, a professional in scripting escape games, will join the working group, and the scripting of the new, escape game-like Museumbox will begin, which will be tested in November-December. 

Contact information: Erja Salo, Head of Education and Public programmes,

 +358 44 2706 216,

The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
16/6/0 €
Under 18 y.o. free admission