The Finnish Museum of Photography worked in collaboration with KOM-theatre and Klockriketeatern within a transdisciplinary project Vuosaari 21 2019-2021. The project brought along multitude of participatory activity and events, such as happenings, and workshops as well as public art works. Activities were planned together with the production group and the locals of Vuosaari. Materials and ideas gathered throughout the years worked as building blocks in the creation of the Vuosaari 21 Autumn Festival 2021.
Vuosaari 21 was carried out with the support of the City of Helsinki Cultural Office, and was a part of the Helsinki Model. The project was a continuation for The Vuosaari - In Other Words project realized during 2016-2018.
Vuosaari 21 received in total 100 000 euros for the project. As a new collaborative model The Finnish Museum of Photography worked together with The KOM-theatre and Klockricketeatern, fascilitating participatory events and activities in Vuosaari.
The aim of The Helsinki Model is to diversify and create a balance between the arts and cultural activities offered in various parts of the city. Arts organisations and groups of professional artists are urged to step outside their premises and work together with local residents and communities in various districts. The needs and wishes of locals as well as the artistic group determine the final shape and form of the events.
Read more about the Vuosaari 21 project:
Vuosaari 21 publication (2021, in finnish)
Salo, Erja (2021) Outside Museums’ Own Walls – Experiences with participatory projects as part of the Helsinki Model. In Publication Nina Robbins (editor-in-chief), Suzie Thomas, Minna Tuominen, Anna Wessman. Museum Studies – A Bridge Between Theory and Practice, ICOFOM and University of Jyväskylä/Open Science Centre, 333-345.
Vuosaari 21 work group at The Finnish Museum of Photography
The artistic, pedagogical & production team:
Photographic artist and art educator Kastehelmi Korpijaakko
Photographic artist and art educator Noora Sandgren
Photographer, researcher, art educator Liisa Söderlund
Executive producer: Erja Salo, Head of education and public programmes at The Finnish Museum of Photography, erja.salo@fmp.fi