In June 1970, Apu magazine published an article illustrated by Kalle Kultala (1924–1991) and written by Eero Kyllijoki: “Mitä kaikkea voi nähdä näin kesällä Helsingissä mereltä käsin” (Everything You Can See from the Sea in Summer Time Helsinki). The writer tells the tale of a boat trip made by three pals on the shore waters around Helsinki: “Kalle had a camera with him and some fiendish-looking long tubes. They were what you call telephoto lenses, and you can get shots from a long distance with them. I had with me some salami, beer sausage, half a kilo of tomatoes, two bottles of mineral water and six bottles of cider.” Kultala captured a Peeping Tom a hundred metres away, sneaking around behind the fence at the Seurasaari nudist beach. At the same time, he unashamedly took snapshots of the naked women on the beach.