MoA in Photography 23

This exhibition showcases nineteen artists who are new Aalto University Master of Arts graduates from the Art and Media department's Photography program. The photographs in the exhibition are part of the graduates' final thesis works.

Each graduating year represents an image of unique voices and spaces that is closely tied to contemporary phenomena in society and art. Over the course of their student years, previously unknown individuals become mirrors for each other, for whom art is a conduit that links the past, present, and future together.

Artists in the exhibition:

Lorena Articardi, Elisabet Cavén, Juan Couder, Francisco González Camacho, Maite González Laurens, Iina Gröhn, Katri Heinämäki, Mari Hokkanen, Alexander Komenda, Viena Kytöjoki, Hanna Linnove, Lyydia Osara, Charlotta Rajala, Rebecca Sandelin, Lada Suomenrinne, Niko Tampio, Lydia Toivanen, Carl Victor Wingren, and Yujie Zhou.

Exhibition handout

 Aalto yliopisto logo    Finnfoto logo   

 Artproof logo              Hahnemühle logo

The Finnish Museum of Photography
1st floor

The Cable Factory, Kaapeliaukio 3, Helsinki


Lämpimästi tervetuloa ystävänpäivän virtuaaliopastukselle tiistaina 14.2. klo 16-17!
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Avoimet yleisöopastukset museon Kaapelitehtaan näyttelytiloissa aina joka kuukauden viimeisenä keskiviikkona klo 18.00–18.45!
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Groups of friends or colleagues: come and experience the exhibition with our tour guides!
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Schools and kindergartens: come and experience the exhibition with our tour guides!
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Here you can find additional information on practical issues that enable a smooth and enjoyable visit to the Finnish Museum of Photography's Cable Factory premises.
The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
16/6/0 €
Under 18 y.o. free admission