Lighty McQuantum’s treasures

“I’ve collected a chest full of photosensitive treasures, including memories of important moments and materials I have encountered. I’m invisible and fast as can be, but in my encounters I tend to slow down, and sometimes I become reflected or even bent. These objects are a way to help demonstrate what I truly am.”  

Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation in certain wavelengths. Photons —  also called light particles or light quanta — act as transmitters of light. Photographs are created when photons encounter a photosensitive material and cause changes to it.

Lighty McQuantum’s photosensitive treasures may include: silver, blue-tinted iron salts, gelatine, and a digital sensor.   
“You are also one of my photosensitive treasures!” adds Lighty McQuantum.  


1. Humid vibes  

Metallilevylle valotettu mustavalkoinen kuva, jossa näkyvät valoherkkien kemioiden jäljet. Kuva esittää kamera kädessä kuvaavaa henkilöä.

In the collodium wet plate process the photographer is in a hurry. The coated and sensitized plate must be exposed, developed and fixed before it dries out, usually in 10–15 minutes. 

Collodion wet plate process, coursework, 2019 


2. A valuable and noble print 

Pienen tummaihoisen pojan ruskeasävyinen muotokuva.

This kind of photographic print is created when a paper sensitised with iron and platinum salts is exposed to UV light, which comes into contact with the negative. The platinum print is a non-silver printing method where no silver is needed to create the image.  

Platinum print, Harri Tahvanainen collection 


3. What is going on here? 

Lasinegatiivikuva lapsiryhmästä metsässä.

In a negative image, the tones are reversed: light becomes dark, and dark becomes light. This group photo is exposed on a light-sensitive glass plate placed inside a camera. The glass sensitiser contains silver, which darkens under the influence of light.  

Glass negative, photographer unknown 

4. Positive is the opposite of negative 

Mustavalkoinen kuva ryhmäkuva lapsista metsässä.

This is a positive print processed using a glass negative. The glass is placed in the darkroom on photographic paper and light is allowed to flow through the negative. In the emulsion of the paper surface, light-sensitive silver salts are mixed with gelatin 

Gelatin silver print 


5. Why are there holes on the edges of a film roll? 

Pätkä diafilmiä, jossa 6 ruutua erilaisia kuvia.

This film is made of plastic and has a photosensitive emulsion on its surface. When filming, the film is placed inside the camera, where the gears transport the film with the help of holes that are exposed frame by frame in front of the lens.  

35mm film 

6.This film is called medium format film.

Kolmen ruudun filmipätkä sekä negatiivina että positiivina.

A total of 12 images can be exposed on the film roll, which has been cut shorter to facilitate darkroom work. Do you notice that the frames of the film are of a different shape than in 35mm film?  

Medium format negative 


7. The sixth sense 

Digital camera sensor removed from camera.


In a digital camera, images are not saved on film but instead on an electronic sensor. The sensor consists of light-sensitive photodiodes. They create a grayscale image of the subject based on the intensity of the light. The image’s colours are produced by the colour filters on top of the diodes. 

Digital camera sensor   


8. Let me introduce: The skeleton! 

Röntgenkuva jalkaterästä.

A medical X-ray image is a shadow image created when radiation is slowed down by a human or animal body. X-ray radiation is high-energy electromagnetic radiation, the wavelength of which is much shorter than that of visible light.  

X-ray, photographer unknown 


9. The printmaker's rebellion  

Ruskeasävyinen lumenvedos, joka esittää erilaisia kasvinosia ja lehtiä.

A lumen print is created using the properties of light-sensitive paper using an atypical method. The image is exposed to sunlight or to strong UV light for anything from half an hour to several hours. There is no need for a darkroom 

Lumen print, Virve Laustela, 2022 


10. What is it like inside the eye? 

Kaksi polaroidkuvaa, jotka ovat värillisiä röntgenkuvia oikeasta ja vasemmasta silmästä.

These eyes are photographed using X-rays on Polaroid film. Although Polaroid is a brand name, it is often used as a general name for any instant film technology. The instant film contains all the chemicals needed to make the picture, and the picture is ready almost immediately after shooting. 

Polaroid, photographer unknown 


11. DIY camera  

Neulanreikäkameralla otettu värikuva, jossa näkyy kasvillisuutta osin epätarkasti.

This photo was taken with a pinhole camera, which at its simplest, is a black box with light entering through a small pinhead-sized hole. The pinhole camera needs no electricity at all.  

Pinhole photo, chromogenic colour print, Harri Tahvanainen collection 


12. Lilies of the valley and vodka  

Punaisen ja violetin sävyinen herkkä anthotypia, joka esittää irtonaisia kukkasia, jotka on levitetty tasolle.

This delicately toned photo is created by sensitising paper to light with a sensitiser emulsion made from plants and alcohol. The paper is exposed to the sun.  

Anthotype, Virve Laustela, 2022 


13. Why do the edges of this photo look "hairy"? 

Leikkidinosauruksia ja kasvin osia esittävä sinisävyinen syanotypiavedos.

A cyanotype is a photo printed on paper sensitised with blue-toned iron salts. A sensitiser has been applied to the paper with a brush after which a photo negative depicting plants and dinosaurs has been placed on top of it. A cyanotype is exposed to sunlight or UV light.  

Cyanotype, Virve Laustela, 2022 






















The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
16/6/0 €
Under 18 y.o. free admission