Media education



Class 9D of the Vuoniitty Comprehensive School building the exhibition Life is... spring 2018. Photo: Heli Sandström Class 9D of the Vuoniitty Comprehensive School building the exhibition #teenmirror spring 2020. Photo: Daniel Niittymäki, The Finnish Museum of Photography

Class 9D of the Vuoniitty Comprehensive School (Vuosaari, Helsinki) has been the friendship class of the Finnish Museum of Photography from 2017 to 2020. The aim of friendship class activities is to develop the media and visual literacy of young people, and to enable the emergence of young people’s own image culture. The activities also provide an opportunity for the museum to develop new museum education and school cooperation practices together with pupils and teachers. 




Photo:  The Finnish Museum of Photography

Photofuss is the youth group of the Finnish Museum of Photography, uniting a dozen of 18–26 -year-old participants interested in art and culture. The group is formed annually, and the application period for new members is open every spring. Read more about the Photofuss exhibitions from the links below.





Media Literacy Week is a theme week for media education aimed at developing media literacy skills for children, young people and adults, and strengthening adults’ capacity for media education. The event is organized by The National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI). KAVI is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture. The Finnish Museum of Photography is every year joining the Media Literacy Week by offering different theme related contents and events.

Searching for Reliable Information - Media education material on science and information

Where do you find information? How do you assess the reliability of information? Have you seen ”fake news”? What is the significance of reliable information and science in society and as a part of our everyday life? In what different ways can you tell about matters to others and share information?

Searching for Reliable Information contains a variety of assignment and discussion ideas.

Searching for Reliable Information is co-created by the National Audiovisual Institute, Youth information and counselling, The UN Association of Finland, The Finnish Museum of Photography and Yle Oppiminen.

Download Serching for Reliable Information -material from here





Joseph Hart, Atelier Wahlström, approx. 1907 / The Finnish Museum of Photography

Cartes-de-visite were the biggest photographic craze of the 19th century and early 20th century. Three Views on Carte-de-visite is a educational material related to the Cartes-de-visite from the Finnish Museum of Photography exhibition.  The material contains exercises related to photography and creative writing.




Photo: Daniel Niittymäki, The Finnish Museum of Photography

The mobile games produced by The Finnish Museum of Photography are a fun way to learn about the museum collections and darkroom processes.

Guess image aims to introduce the museum’s open, free-to-use, digital photographic materials in the form of a game. The mobile game is part of the Interpretations and information – learning paths with open materials project, realised by the Finnish Museum of Photography between 2016 and 2018. The innovative national project is funded by the National Board of Antiquities, and a part of the Our Common Heritage project, which celebrates the centenary of Finnish independence.

Darkroom Mansion  introduces how the darkroom works. As the game progresses, players will become familiar with print making and equipments used in a darkroom. Also, the Finnish photographers and their works are presented. All images in the game are from the collections of the Finnish Museum of Photography.


Class 9D of the Vuoniitty Comprehensive School has been the friendship class of the Finnish Museum of Photography from 2017 to 2020. The exhibition #teenmirror displays new photographs inspired by Vivian Maier's self-portraits and older photographs from previous exhibitions by Vuoniitty friendship class. Selected parts of the exhibition are on display at the Columbus shopping mall in Vuosaari 14.5 - 1.6.2020.
“We are the last generation that can stop climate change.” The Last Generation exhibition by Photofuss group contemplates current environmental issues.
Darkroom Mansion, a mobile game produced by the Finnish Museum of Photography introduces how the darkroom works. As the game progresses, players will become familiar with print making and equipments used in a darkroom, as well as Finnish photographers and their works. Free to play on iOS and Android!
Guess image
Guess image aims to introduce the museum’s open, free-to-use, digital photographic materials in the form of a game.
In this exhibition, Photofuss, the youth group of Finnish Museum of Photography, presents thoughts on things that are undergoing change.
Everyday life is repetitive; it does not go away. It's there again tomorrow, not going anywhere. Everyday life is often grey and dull. Everyday life is just everyday life. It’s the alarm clock ringing. It’s running to catch the bus; it’s homework, friends, playing games... It’s everything you want it to be. The exhibition by our museum's friendship class in Vuoniitty Comprehensive School examines the everyday life of a 7th-grader. The exhibition is on view at museum's Process Space.
Photofuss, the youth group of The Finnish Museum of Photography, presents photographic material from a holiday spent in everyday life. The exhibition is on view at the museum's Process Space.
The Cable Factory
Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
See on the map The Cable Factory
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 11 am – 7 pm, Sat–Sun 11 am – 6 pm
12/6/0 €, 16/6/0 € from January 1st 2024
Under 18 y.o. free admission