Suomen valokuvataiteen museo on mukana Fast Forward 2: an International Network for Women in Photography -tutkimushankkeessa. Hankkeen on perustanut professori Anna Fox (University for the Creative Art, UK) ja sitä rahoittaa The Leverhulme Trust. Mukana on yhteensä seitsemän kumppania kuudesta maasta: Iso-Britanniassa, Yhdysvalloissa, Brasiliassa, Nigeriassa, Intiassa ja Suomessa.
Lisää hankkeesta englanniksi
Fast Forward 2: Women in Photography is the international research project initiated by Professor Anna Fox at the University for the Creative Arts (UK) and supported by The Leverhulme Trust. The grant will fund Fast Forward 2: an International Network for Women in Photography involving seven partners in six different parts of the globe for the next three years.
Fast Forward 2 is the first international research networking project for women in photography based in a UK University. The project intends to investigate the significance of remembering not to forget the stories both historical and contemporary of women in photography across the globe. The research is imperative at a time when despite numerous women being educated in photography there are still very few succeeding as photographers today. Each project partner will host a workshop bringing together practitioners, scholars and thinkers from the specific locality and the global fields of both photography and women’s studies.
The aims of the workshops are to discover hidden histories of women in photography, to explore similarity and difference in issues faced by women working as photographers; to investigate the purpose and rationale for the formation of an international network and what we might do to work together supporting women in photography globally. We aim to investigate how to ensure that the works of women photographers have real presence today and are positively inserted into the future histories of photography.
The project partners are:
- University for the Creative Arts, UK
- Dillon+Lee Gallery, New York, USA
- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Lagos International Photography Festival, Lagos, Nigeria
- AKJ Mass Communications Research at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India
- Slade, at University College London, UK
- The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland