32. Tyler Mitchell

In the 32nd episode of the podcast, photographer Tyler Mitchell is the guest. The episode also features Karun Verma, a member of the museum’s Young Adults Group Photofuss as a guest. In the episode, we discuss Tyler Mitchell's career and photographic works. The episode is hosted by Erja Salo, Head of Education and Public programmes.

From left to right: Karun Verma, Tyler Mitchell and Erja Salo


You can not only listen to the podcast, but also read it here.


Guests: Photographic artist Tyler Mitchell and Karun Verma from museum's young adults group Photofuss.

Host: Erja Salo, Head of Education and Public programmes.

Archive tape: Photographic artist Carrie Schneider talks about her work Las Bebidas (2007), and its references to Diego Velázquez’s famous painting Las Meninas (1656). 2009, The Finnish Museum of Photography.

A selected image from the collections of the Finnish museum of photography: Uwa Iduozee: from the series They Walked on Water, 2017-2019. The Finnish Museum of Photography.

The picture brought by Tyler Mitchell: Tyler Mitchell, All American Family Portrait, 2018.

The picture brought by Karun Verma: Karun Verma: from the series The Dreaded Youth, 2024.

Uwa Iduozee: from the series They Walked on Water, 2017-2019. The Finnish Museum of Photography.



Karun Verma: from the series The Dreaded Youth, 2024.


Tyler Mitchell, All American Family Portrait, 2018.

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Uwa Iduozee on Helsingissä ja New Yorkissa toimiva valokuvaaja ja dokumentaristi, joka pyrkii purkamaan vallitsevia kertomuksia ja kertomaan tarinoita, jotka jäävät valtamedioissa helposti kuulematta.
The photograph of the girl in a wet T-shirt is part of the iconic Young Heroes series that Jouko Lehtola photographed in the mid-1990s, when he toured Finnish rock festivals, dance pavilions and clubs over two summers.
K-G Roosin (1937-1976) Marimekko-kuvaan ja siinä esiintyvään opiskelijaäitiin ruumiillistuvat moderni aika ja muuttuvat arvot.
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